We are blessed to have a variety of groups, ministries and courses offered at City Centre Parish, which are always open to new members.

Why not take a look and see if anything interests you?

Ministries within the Church

  • The Alpha Course is an 11-week course that creates a space online or in person where people can come to freely talk about faith and try to answer some of life’s big questions in a non-confrontational space.

    Alpha courses cover the core principles of christian faith and offer a great introduction for those curious about the faith, unsure in their beliefs and even for those who are strong in faith! It’s a one-size fits all course.

    We run Alpha twice a year, to join please fill in this form.

  • On a fortnightly basis this group meets to discuss the selected writings of Richard Rohr. Thursdays on Zoom at 5pm.

    “There is a deep relationship between the inner revolution of prayer and the transformation of social structures and social consciousness. Our hope lies in the fact that meditation is going to change the society that we live in, just as it has changed us.”

    To join please contact Father Vincent.

  • A group of environmentally conscious group of individuals who meet to discuss how the parish can change to be better for the planet, promote green living suggestions to the parish and to plan relevant courses to bring more awareness to the issue of climate change.

    To join please contact Tina Quinn on tquinn@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk

  • We are looking to restart this group if there is an appetite. Please see this form to register interest.

    If you’ve never prayed the Rosary before, or if you’re an avid rosary prayer then why not join in?

    "The Rosary is the most excellent form of prayer and the most efficacious means of attaining eternal life. It is the remedy for all our evils, the root of all our blessings. There is no more excellent way of praying."

    Pope Leo XIII

  • Starts after the 10am Tuesday Mass with the Rosary prayed aloud before the Blessed Sacrament.

    The group then go through to St Edmund’s Hall and enjoy tea, coffee and a variety of cakes and food. All are welcome to come, and all are welcome to bring food to share if they are able.

    The group raise funds for various charities such as Catholic Home Care, Mary’s Meals and CAFOD.

  • Young Adults meet fortnightly to discuss big faith questions in a social setting to help strengthen the connection to others in the Parish and deepen their understanding of the faith.

    The group gather on Friday evenings twice a month, meeting in the porch of St Edmund’s after the 7pm Mass. All are free to join!

  • Restored Lives helps people recover from relationship breakdown. By supporting people and their children through separation or divorce, when a relationship is beyond repair, we help reduce the negative effects on individuals, children and communities.


Groups beyond the Parish

  • Daily Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in S. Edmund's first started in 1992 when over 120 people committed to 'watching' for one hour a week.

    Monday 11am-3pm

    Tuesday 10.30am-8pm

    Wednesday 11am-2pm

    Thursday 10am-5pm

    Friday 1-5pm

    If you would like to join please contact Anna in the Office via email or text or call 07956 379 542

    Adoration times are dependant on Adorers, Adoration ideally would be all day each day, so chat with Anna about a time that suits you.

  • Altar Servers assist at the altar to enable our Parish Liturgies (Mass, Benediction, Stations of the Cross, Funerals etc.) to be uplifting and dignified celebrations of faith. They assist the priest and deacon in order for the celebration to be organised, reverent and an experience of prayer and worship. Serving at the altar is not just for children: we welcome people of all ages and levels of experience once they have made their First Holy Communion. Training sessions are organised for all servers, and extra practices for the Holy Week Celebrations.

    Contact the Parish Office or email altarservers@southamptoncitycentrecatholics.org if you or your child would be interested in this vital ministry.

    For adults a DBS is necessary for the role. The Office will go through this with you.

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Body of Christ to fellow parishioners at Mass. It is required that you have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and you must receive training by a Priest or a Deacon. All ministers are scheduled for the Mass of their preference.

    Please contact mjoyce@portmsouthdiocese.org.uk if you wish to join a rota.

  • During Mass, it is the practice of gathering the children from the assembly during the Liturgy of the Word to celebrate a separate Liturgy of the Word that is more appropriate to their level of understanding.

    It is to make the Word of God more accessible to children and to enable them to participate more fully in the Sunday liturgical assembly.

    9am in St Edmund’s

    DBS is necessary for the role.

  • Holy Communion is taken once a week to those who are sick, homebound, and unable to attend Mass. EMCs will also arrange a Priest visit if a person needs the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick or Reconciliation. Training will be provided and a DBS check is required.

    Please contact a priest or the Parish Office to join.

  • Our Parish Bereavement Group, they befriend those who have recently lost a loved one.

    Training provided and DBS required. Please contact bethanygroup@citycentrecatholics.org if you are interested in joining.

  • Readers proclaim the Word of God from the scripture at all Masses and other liturgies. Each reader must attend training to learn more about their role and devote time to prayer and preparation. Readers are scheduled for the Mass they usually attend.

    Please contact mjoyce@portmsouthdiocese.org.uk to join the rota.

  • The job of our Welcomers is to convey a welcoming and hospitable spirit at City Centre Parish. They warmly welcome parishioners and visitors as they arrive, distribute newsletters and assist those with special needs.

    Chat at your next Mass to the people welcoming on the door about how to get involved.

  • St. Augustine said: “to sing is to pray twice”. Music at all our Sunday Masses is highly valued. The musical facilities of the parish are supported and enhanced by many singers and instrumentalists.

    St Joseph’s

    10am contact is Celia Axton

    St Edmund’s

    9am contact is Mary Berridge

    11am contact is Carla Philips

    7pm Choir contact is Nick Guyer 7pm Filipino Choir is Nalla Diamante

    7pm Taizé Choir is Claire Tickell or Imelda Weingart-West

    New members to each of these choirs are always welcome so either contact the above directly or get in touch with the Office!

Parish Groups

  • Motivated by the guiding principle of Christian charity, we seek to find those in need, to help them in a spirit of justice and to tackle poverty where we can. Reaching out to those who need a helping hand.



  • The mission that we have been entrusted, as women, is incredibly important and at times very difficult, in this world that often rejects motherhood.

    Many women today despise being associated with qualities that are intrinsic to motherhood, kindness, gentleness, patience, obedience… and would rather be called strong, assertive, independent and successful! But why is it that ‘our’ nature is under such attack? It was through a Woman that the redeemer came into the world… it was through a Woman that our Lord was Incarnate! It was the Woman that crushed the serpent’s head! That’s why! We are called to look at the Virgin Mary and inspired by her femininity succeed in our motherhood. Whether you have ten children, five, one or none… we are ALL called to motherhood, to have the same loving nature as Our Lady and to learn to love Christ though her, following her to the foot of Cross.

    Southampton has a local group, to find out more please see https://www.catholicmothers.co.uk/​

  • Catenian membership offers deep and lasting friendship and support to Catholic men at all stages of their lives, whether married or single. This friendship is based on the firm foundation of a shared faith and is enjoyed by their wives (whether Catholic or not), their children and continues after a member’s death with widows being supported and involved on a continuing basis. The monthly meeting provides a time for relaxed enjoyment among supporting and faithful friends. The varied local social programme caters for all ages and provides a light-hearted environment in which friendships flourish.


  • As a practising Catholic man, you may have an interest in helping those in need, serving your parish, developing your faith and giving something back to your community. By joining the Knights, you can do all that and more. You will work with like-minded men across your Diocese who can offer their experience and support. Working together towards a common goal, creates a strong bond of fraternity with new friends who become ‘Brothers’.

    Started by a humble parish priest, the Knights of Columbus have grown into the world’s largest lay Catholic organization with over 1.8 million members.


  • Contemplative prayer and Meditation (enter by the North door) – an ecumenical group led by lay people.

    Just turn up to St Michael’s, next to St Joseph’s church and enter by the North Door. All are welcome, Tuesdays 6-6.45pm.

  • Promoting mutual understanding and good relations among people of different faiths in the city.

    Contact 07545 982 838 or southamptonfaiths@gmail.com

  • Love Southampton is an initiative of a broad range of churches in Southampton, a diverse community of people united in our love for God, and our love for our city.

    We exist to be:

    ● a voice that helps represent the Christian community in Southampton

    ● a catalyst mobilising people to be involved in loving and serving the city

    ● a network connecting and empowering people to bring about social transformation


  • We are a brightly shining group based in Southampton, taking children from up to 20-30 miles away. We are lucky to have a number of doctors and nurses in our group and have experience in taking children with medical needs that might not be easily catered for in other groups.

    To enable us to coordinate bedtimes during our very busy week, and to help us to provide activities that everyone will enjoy, we only take junior school aged children (7-11).

    If you would like to refer a child who would benefit from a trip with us, or if you are interested in becoming a helper, please get in touch.

    Group Leader: Nick

    Website: http://www.group170.org.uk

  • Street Pastors are Christian men and women who engage with people on the streets offering reassurance, safety and support through listening, helping and caring. We work together with other partners in the night-time economy, schools and communities to make our city safer.


  • To become a Prayer Pastor an applicant must have been a committed Christian for at least a year, undertake a day of training, be a member of a local church, be able to provide a positive reference from his/her minister, be at least age 18 (with no upper limit!), undergo a DBS (formerly CRB) check and be prepared to make a small contribution towards their training if at all possible (although we encourage the Prayer Pastors fellowship to be involved in this).

    What is it really like to be a Prayer Pastor

  • Item description
  • Item description

Groups Facilitating the Running of the Parish

  • Formerly the City Centre Pastoral Group, the EST encourages and supports all members of the parish community. The EST serves the parish and promotes our pastoral role and outreach by encouraging parishioners to be more active in the life and mission of the community.

    The coordinator is Monsignor Vincent.

    Current Chair is Tina Quinn.

  • Our Parish Finance teams meets once a quarter to review the parish finances, set a budget for the quarter ahead and choose where parish money is best spent.

    Our current chair is Patrick Feighery.

    Those who might be interested in joining please contact the Parish Office.

  • This group meets to discuss the focus of parish liturgies, plan big events in the church year and to plan the reconciliation services during Lent & Easter.

    Current Chair is Mrs Marina Joyce.

  • This group is made up of volunteers who carry out checks on Parish buildings, fire alarms, emergency lighting and offer insight on any potential dangers in and around our properties.

    Anyone with any queries, or interested in assisting, please contact either the Parish Office or healthsafety@southamptoncitycentrecatholics.org

  • This group is the Senior Leadership Team that meets monthly to discuss the direction of the Parish.

    Current members are Mgr Vincent, Mrs Tina Quinn, Dcn Andy, Fr Johnpromise & Ms Lorraine Swann.

  • This group started 2023 and meets to provide an input from the different communities and nationalities within our Parish.

    To find out more contact tquinn@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk

Other Volunteering Opportunities

  • The flower arrangers are responsible for preparing all floral arrangements for the churches. They usually arrange the flowers each week and for special occasions. In keeping with the liturgical calendar, they decorate the Sanctuary for weddings, Advent, Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter.

    If you are interested in joining talk to Chris McDaid (St Joseph’s) or Teresa Gaca (St Edmund’s) or contact the Parish Office.

  • Both of our churches are currently cleaned by volunteers which saves the church a significant amount of money every year!

    These teams are always looking for new members, and as with most things in the church, the more volunteers we have the less frequent the volunteering will be (i.e., 6 teams means once every 6 weeks).

    If you would like to help clean St Joseph’s church then please contact Sue McCall on 07971 369 801

    If you would like to clean at St Edmund’s Church then please contact the Parish Office to be put in touch with Jola.

  • St Edmund’s is blessed with a small garden beside the church, and plants around the Presbytery and the priest’s carpark.

    We could always do with a little helping hand in the gardening department!

    If you feel able to help with this please get in touch with the Parish Office.

    It would be lovely if the Parish could plant some flowers and maintain the area in front of the church. It is looking a little barren at the moment as we have had to remove some shrubs!

    Helping with maintaining the area would also help the Parish to save money on the gardeners coming in at the moment. This would add up over time and make a difference to our spending.

  • St Edmund’s has a small repository (shop) in the porch which is stocked with religious items, statues, jewellery and prayer cards.

    Opening the shop requires volunteers who are happy to facilitate parishioners (and visitors) purchasing items. It would be lovely to offer the shop throughout the month on different days/Mass times. Perhaps this role appeals to you?

    With our new contactless machines we are able to take payments via card as well as cash.

  • Every week we have at least one collection during the Mass, sometimes a second collection when there is a charity appeal. Alongside our candles, our mass intentions and our repository cash as well…

    Each penny must be counted! Counting teams must be made up of 3 people (4 if one is a married couple), which means that we require an awful lot of counters in order to spread the responsibility.

    Before the pandemic we had 5 full teams meaning each team only came into count every 5 weeks. It would be great if we could get back to those numbers again.

    Those interested in joining the team should introduce themselves to Fr Vincent or speak to Anna in the Parish Office.

  • The Parish Office at present employs just one person. The volume of work is great, and so having volunteers ensures that everything gets done and that things keep running!

    Perhaps you would feel able to help man the phones, answer callers to the door or reply to simple emails?

    Perhaps you feel called to give a little bit more to the church by helping with some day to day admin, or maybe you don’t mind being available when Anna is away from the office to fill in.

    Please get in touch with Anna via the Parish Office to have an informal chat.

  • Several of our Parish groups provide a meal to those attending (such as the Alpha course). Perhaps you would be interested in joining a group of people who take turns helping provide these meals?


  • Our baptism team are currently recruiting more members to help instruct parents on the importance of this first sacrament.

    Those interested in joining the team please contact tquinn@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk

  • Lorraine Swann is our lead catechist on our FHC programme. We are always welcome to more catechists joining!

    A DBS is required for the role and training is provided. Please contact Lorraine at fhc@southamptoncitycentrecatholics.org if you are interested in joining the team.

  • Those interested in joining the team please contact tquinn@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk

  • Tina Quinn runs our Pre Marriage Course in the parish, providing couples with several weeks of talks and mentorship to prepare them as they step out into married life together.

    We have a selection of “mentor couples” who are partnered with those on the course. Perhaps you and your spouse would be interested in mentoring couples?

    The programme used is the Alpha Pre-Marriage Course.

    Those interested in joining the team please contact tquinn@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk